Note: I'm currently publishing pieces from my vault. This was supposed to be published on 2017 January 13.
I had an enlightening talk once with The Giving Tree1 about his plan to start a VR-focused organisation in University X-1. In X-1, you have to do a couple of things before you can start your own club:
- fill up an information sheet containing various bureaucratic necessities, including a mission/vision statement
- convince a professor to do your laundry, or at least to attend and vouch for your events
- write down an account of whatever amount of money you don't have since you're just starting out
- list down at least 15 people whom you'd suckered into joining
- register online and at the Securities and Exchange Commission (yes, you have to register as a nonprofit first)
- plagiarise the constitution of the United States
I'm particularly interested in the last bit because of my work under Organisation X as one of the folks who get to decide on matters of membership. Organisations in UP have the tedious but often necessary tradition of forcing potential members to memorise their constitutions. In a world where memorisation is seen as a Really Bad Thing, this practice has probably saved more organisations from cultural decay than fluoride in toothpaste has from tooth decay.
University X-1
an offshoot of University X around 80 km away